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Replaces the properties of an animation with the given parameters.


  • aniFrames The SpriteAnimation to be edited.
  • listID The index of the animation entry to be edited.
  • name The animation's name.
  • frameOffset The frame list offset to start this animation's frames from.
  • frameCount The number of frames in the animation.
  • speed The speed of the animation.
  • loopIndex The index of the frame the animation should loop from.
  • rotationStyle The style of rotation snapping to use for frames in this animation.

Return Value



RSDK.EditSpriteAnimation(uint16 aniFrames, uint16 listID, const char *name, int32 frameOffset, uint16 frameCount, int16 speed, uint8 loopIndex, uint8 rotationStyle);
SpriteAnimation.Edit(uint16 listID, const char *name, int32 frameOffset, uint16 frameCount, int16 speed, uint8 loopIndex, uint8 rotationStyle);


RSDK.EditSpriteAnimation(MyObject->aniFrames, 1, "My Edited Anim", 8, 16, 1, 12, ROTSTYLE_NONE);
sVars->aniFrames.Edit(1, "My Edited Anim", 8, 16, 1, 12, Animator::RotateNone);