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Creates a SpriteAnimation based on the given parameters and returns the ID of it.


  • identifier The animation's unique identifier. Once created, it can be used to retrieve this animation again.
  • frameCount The maximum number of SpriteFrames this SpriteAnimation can store.
  • listCount The maximum number of animation entries this SpriteAnimation can store.
  • scope The asset's scope, may be SCOPE_GLOBAL or SCOPE_STAGE.

Return Value

Returns the id of the created animation file as a uint16. The return value will be -1 if the animation file failed to create.


RSDK.CreateSpriteAnimation(const char *identifier, uint32 frameCount, uint32 listCount, int32 scope);
SpriteAnimation.Create(const char* path, Scopes scope);


MyObject->aniFrames = RSDK.CreateSpriteAnimation("Test/MyAnim.bin", 256, 32, SCOPE_STAGE);
sVars->aniFrames.Create("Test/MyAnim.bin", 256, 32, SCOPE_STAGE);