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This function only exists in REV02 and above.


Adds a viewable variable to the Dev Menu. Viewable variables exist until the scene is changed or reloaded.


  • name The display name of the viewable variable in the dev menu. Display names may be a maximum of 15 characters long.
  • value A pointer to the value to be tracked, viewed and edited in the Dev Menu.
  • type The type of the viewable variable, which should match the type of value. See ViewableVarTypes for more info on what types are valid.
  • min The minimum value of the viewable variable (inclusive).
  • max The maximum value of the viewable variable (inclusive).

Return Value



RSDK.AddViewableVariable(const char *name, void *value, int32 type, int32 min, int32 max);
Dev::AddViewableVariable(const char *name, void *value, int32 type, int32 min, int32 max);


RSDK.AddViewableVariable("Debug Mode", &SceneInfo->debugMode, VIEWVAR_BOOL, false, true);
Dev::AddViewableVariable("Debug Mode", &sceneInfo->debugMode, Dev::VIEWVAR_BOOL, false, true)