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RSDKv5 Functions


Function Description
LoadSpriteSheet Loads a spritesheet and returns the id of it.


Function Description
LoadSpriteAnimation Loads a SpriteAnimation and returns the ID of it.
CreateSpriteAnimation Creates a SpriteAnimation based on the given parameters and returns the ID of it.
SetSpriteAnimation Applies a set of frames to an animator.
EditSpriteAnimation Replaces the properties of an animation with the given parameters.
SetSpriteString Converts a string into a sprite string.
FindSpriteAnimation Attempts to find an animation entry by name.
GetFrame Retrieves a specific SpriteFrame from a SpriteAnimation.
GetHitbox Gets a Hitbox from the animator's current frame.
GetFrameID Gets the unicode char value of the animator's current frame.
GetStringWidth Retrieves the width of a string in pixels when displayed with DrawText.
ProcessAnimation Processes the animation applied to an animator.


Function Description
ClearViewableVariables Clears all loaded viewable variables.
AddViewableVariable Adds a viewable variable to the Dev Menu.


Function Description
NotifyCallback Sends the given callback to communicate to Hedgehog Engine 2.


Function Description
RSDK_ACTIVE_VAR Sets a variable to be the "active variable" when using RSDK_ENUM_VAR.
RSDK_ENUM_VAR Adds an enum variable to the current active variable.
showGizmos Checks if gizmos should be visible for this object.
RSDK_DRAWING_OVERLAY Enables/disables "overlay" mode when drawing.