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Gets the data of type from menu using index and stores it in store.


  • store Variable where the data will be saved.
  • menu The menu from where to get the data. MENU_1 or MENU_2 are valid.
  • type The type of data to read. Valid values are 0 (TEXTINFO_TEXTDATA), 1 (TEXTINFO_TEXTSIZE) or 2 (TEXTINFO_ROWCOUNT).
  • index Index of the text row from where to get the data.
  • offset Offset for the text at index. Only used if type is TEXTINFO_TEXTDATA.

Return Value

Sets store to the result.


GetTextInfo(var store, int menu, int type, int index, int offset)


GetTextInfo(temp4, MENU_1, TEXTINFO_TEXTDATA, temp0, 1)