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Draws frame at a specified X and Y position in screen-space with visual effects.


  • frame The ID of the SpriteFrame to draw.
  • drawFXFlag The visual effect to apply.
  • ixpos The position of the sprite on the horizontal axis in screen-space.
  • iypos The position of the sprite on the vertical axis in screen-space.

Return Value



DrawSpriteScreenFX(int frame, int drawFXFlag, int ixpos, int iypos)


DrawSpriteScreenFX(2, FX_FLIP, screen.xcenter, 15)

drawFXFlag Effects

Effect Description
FX_SCALE Allows the scaling of the sprite via object.scale.
FX_ROTATE Allows the rotation of the sprite via object.rotation.
FX_ROTOZOOM Allows both scaling via object.scale and rotation via object.rotation.
FX_INK Allows using transparency based on object.inkEffect.
FX_TINT Tints the sprite to grayscale if object.inkEffect is set to INK_ALPHA, otherwise it acts like FX_SCALE.
FX_FLIP Flips the sprite depending on object.direction.


FX_TINT does not have an alias set by default. Its numeric ID is 4.

Ink Effects

ID Ink Effect Description
0 INK_NONE No effect.
1 INK_BLEND 50% transparency.
2 INK_ALPHA Transparency based on object.alpha, with a range of 0-255, 255 being no transparency.
3 INK_ADD Additive blending.
4 INK_SUB Subtractive blending.