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Draws a rectangle to ixpos and iypos in screen-space, with a color based on the r, g, b, and alpha.


  • ixpos The position of the rectangle on the horizontal axis in screen-space.
  • iypos The position of the rectangle on the vertical axis in screen-space.
  • width The width of the rectangle.
  • height The height of the rectangle.
  • r A value range of 0-255 for the color red.
  • g A value range of 0-255 for the color green.
  • b A value range of 0-255 for the color blue.
  • alpha A value range of 0-255 for transparency, 255 being no transparency.

Return Value



DrawTintRect(int ixpos, int iypos, int width, int height, int r, int g, int b, int alpha)


DrawRect(30, 220, 60, 20, 255, 128, 128, 255)