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RSDKv4 Functions


Function Description
Draw3DScene Draws the active 3DScene data to the screen.
SetIdentityMatrix Sets the matrix of matID to the identity state.
MatrixMultiply Multiplies matrixA by matrixB.
MatrixTranslateXYZ Translates matrix to translateX, translateY and translateZ.
MatrixScaleXYZ Scales matrix to scaleX, scaleY and scaleZ.
MatrixRotate Rotates matrix to angle on the specified axis.
MatrixRotateXYZ Rotates matrix to angleX, angleY and angleZ.
MatrixInverse Performs an inversion on matrix's values.
TransformVertices Transform all vertices from startIndex to endIndex using matrix.


Function Description
SetMusicTrack Loads a music file in the given track slot with the given loop point.
PlayMusic Plays the music currently loaded in the given track slot.
StopMusic Stops playing the currently playing music track, if one is playing.
PauseMusic Pauses the currently playing music track, if one is playing.
ResumeMusic If a track has been paused with PauseMusic(), resumes playing the track.
SwapMusicTrack Loads a music file in the given track slot with the given loop point, swapping the currently playing track if it's the one being overwritten.
PlaySfx Plays the sound effect in the given slot in the GameConfig or StageConfig, looping it if set to do so.
StopSfx Stops all instances of the given sound effect playing.
SetSfxAttributes Sets the loop count and panning of the given sound effect to the given values.


Function Description
DrawTintRect Draws a tinted rectangle to ixpos and iypos in screen-space.
LoadPalette Loads a palette into palBank starting from startPalIndex, with an offset of startIndex and reading all colors through to endIndex.
RotatePalette Rotates all colors in palBank from startIndex to endIndex, moving left or right depending on rotRight.
SetScreenFade Adds a screen fade effect based on the r, g, b and alpha values.
SetActivePalette Sets the active palette to palBank for all vertical screen lines from startLine to endLine.
SetPaletteFade Blends palettes srcBankA and srcBankB, from indexes startIndex to endIndex, by blendAmount, and stores the new palette in dstBank.
GetPaletteEntry Gets the palette entry in bank at index and stores it in store.
SetPaletteEntry Sets the palette entry in bank at index to the value of color.
CopyPalette Copies count colors from srcBank, starting from srcIndex, to destBank, starting at destIndex.
ClearScreen Clears all pixels on screen with color clearIndex from the active palette.
DrawRect Draws a rectangle to ixpos and iypos in screen-space, with a color based on the r, g, b, and alpha.
ClearDrawList Removes all entries in drawList layer.
AddDrawListEntityRef Adds objectPos to drawList layer.
GetDrawListEntityRef Gets objectPos in drawList layer and stores it in store.
SetDrawListEntityRef Sets objectPos in drawList layer to value.


Function Description
LoadSpriteSheet Loads a spritesheet and assigns the ID to object.spritesheet.
RemoveSpriteSheet Removes the given spritesheet from memory, if it is already loaded.
DrawSprite Draws frame at the object's X and Y position.
DrawSpriteXY Draws frame at a specified X and Y position.
DrawSpriteScreenXY Draws frame at a specified X and Y position in screen-space.
SpriteFrame Adds a SpriteFrame with the specified values.
EditFrame Edits the pivots, width, height, and sheet coordinates of frame.
DrawSpriteFX Draws frame at a specified X and Y position with visual effects.
DrawSpriteScreenFX Draws frame at a specified X and Y position in screen-space with visual effects.
LoadAnimation Loads an animation file for the current object type.
ProcessAnimation Processes the current object's animation, based on the animation file loaded prior via LoadAnimation().
DrawObjectAnimation Draws an object's sprites from the animation file loaded prior via LoadAnimation().


Function Description
Rand Gets a random value from 0 to max (not inclusive) and stores it in store.
Sin Gets the value from the sin512 lookup table based on angle and sets it in store.
Cos Gets the value from the cos512 lookup table based on angle and sets it in store.
Sin256 Gets the value from the sin256 lookup table based on angle and sets it in store.
Cos256 Gets the value from the cos256 lookup table based on angle and sets it in store.
ATan2 Performs an arctan operation using x and y, storing the result in store.
Interpolate Linearly interpolates x and y by percent and stores the result in store.
InterpolateXY Linearly interpolates two points at once and stores the result in storeX and storeY respectively.
Not Performs a NOT operation on value.
GetBit Gets the binary bit at index bitPos from value and stores it in store.
SetBit Sets index bitPos of value to bit and updates value accordingly.
GetTableValue Gets the value at index from table and stores it in store.
SetTableValue Sets the value at index from table to value.
Abs Gets the absolute number of value.


Function Description
ResetObjectEntity Resets an object in position slot with the type, propertyValue, xpos, and ypos specified.
BoxCollisionTest Checks for collision of an object with another, using the hitbox values passed.
CreateTempObject Creates a temporary object specified by type, propertyValue, xpos and ypos near the end of the object list.
ProcessObjectMovement Handles tile collision of an object/player.
ProcessObjectControl Handles object input variables.
ObjectTileCollision Tries to collide with the foreground layer based on the position of object.ixpos + xOffset, object.iypos + yOffset.
ObjectTileGrip Tries to collide with the foreground layer based on the position of object.ixpos + xOffset, object.iypos + yOffset.
SetObjectRange Changes internal bounds, affecting all objects.
GetObjectValue Gets object.valueXX of the object in slot corresponding to valueID and stores it in store.
SetObjectValue Sets object.valueXX of the object in slot corresponding to valueID to value.
CopyObject Copies count objects starting from srcSlot and pastes them to the object slots starting from destSlot.


Function Description
LoadStage Loads a stage based on stage.activeList and stage.listPos.
SetLayerDeformation Sets the deformation data array of deformID, based on deformA and deformB.
GetTileLayerEntry Gets the ID of the chunk at chunkX, chunkY on tile layer layer and stores it in store.
SetTileLayerEntry Sets the chunk at chunkX, chunkY in tile layer layer to the index of value.
Get16x16TileInfo Gets the value for infoType from the tile at tileX, tileY and stores it in store.
Set16x16TileInfo Sets the value for infoType from the tile at tileX, tileY to value.
Copy16x16Tile Copies the tileset image data of srcTile to dstTile.
CheckCurrentStageFolder Reads the name of the current stage's folder.


Function Description
CallNativeFunction Sends a callback to the engine to run a native function.
CheckTouchRect Checks if there's a touch input between the given coordinates.
SetupMenu Sets up menu with rowCount rows, selectionCount active selections and aligning set to alignment.
AddMenuEntry Adds an entry to menu with the contents of text.
EditMenuEntry Edits an entry of menu with the contents of text in rowID.
DrawMenu Draws menu at xpos and ypos relative to the screen.
GetTextInfo Gets the data of type from menu using index and stores it in store.
GetVersionNumber Adds a text entry to menu with the engine's version as the text.
LoadTextFile Loads menu based on the text file loaded from filePath.
Print Prints a message or integer to the console.
ReadSaveRAM Reads the contents of the save file on disk into SaveRAM.
WriteSaveRAM Writes the contents of SaveRAM to the save file on disk.


Function Description
LoadTextFont Loads a bitmap font from filePath for use with text menus.
DrawText Draws the contents of menu.