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Blends the currectly active palette from StartIndex to EndIndex based on R, G, B, and BlendAmount, and stores the new palette in DstBank.


  • DstBank The ID of the palette for store. Indices 0-7 are valid.
  • R A value range of 0-255 for the color red.
  • G A value range of 0-255 for the color green.
  • B A value range of 0-255 for the color blue.
  • BlendAmount A value range of 0-255 for blending.
  • StartIndex The starting index of the palette bank to blend.
  • EndIndex The ending index of the palette bank to blend.

Return Value



SetPaletteFade(int DstBank, int R, int G, int B, int BlendAmount, int StartIndex, int EndIndex)


SetPaletteFade(1, 128, 128, 128, 255, 64, 144)